Season 2 EP 3: Guided Meditation and Body Scan


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Perfectionist in Recovery

Guided Meditation and Body Scan

Hello and welcome back to the perfectionist in recovery podcast. Today is meditation day! I have shared on this podcast before how beneficial a meditation practice can be to maintain a creative practice and keep us connected to our own internal voice. I will be sharing meditations on this podcast regularly, but if you find one you like, you can re-listen as much as you please. 

To practice at home:

 First find a comfortable position for your body. You are welcome to sit up right or lie down. If you are feeling more tired and needing more support at the moment, come to lie down in a comfortable position. Make sure you have good padding underneath you wherever you need support. 

Once you are comfortable, take a nice deep breath, drawing your energy back into your body. Bring your attention to your breath, reclaiming your attention back from all the other things that might be drawing your attention away, bringing your energy and attention back into your body with every breath. 

Then just feel your breath as it moves through your body. Notice your breath and its natural rhythm. Know that there is no right or wrong way to pay attention to your breath, no right or wrong way to breathe, just noticing your breath. Notice the filling up and the letting go, the collection and release of breath, the swelling of your body with breath and the releasing with the exhale. 

Then start to bring attention to your entire body. Feel your entire body. Feel all of its parts at once. Feel the top half of your body, and the bottom half of your body. Feel the front and the back. Feel the left side and the right side. Feel the center of your body from the base of your spine all the way up to the crown of your head, the entire centerline of your body. 

Feel the base of your spine. Imagine a warm, bright, brilliant light at the base of your spine. Imagine a light shining bright at the base of your spine. Feel the warmth, visualize the color. 

Feel into the center of your lower abdomen. Feel again another bright, warm ball of light, just above the light at the base of the spine. Another bright, brilliant light of warmth there in your lower abdomen. 

Moving just a bit further up, feel again another bright, brilliant warm light here at the location of your diaphragm. Feel, or even visualize, this bright, warm, light right at the location of your diaphragm. 

Now move further up along the centerline to the center of your chest. Once again feel this bright, brilliant, warm light in the center of your chest. Visualize and feel the warmth of this light. Visualize and feel the color of this light shining brightly in the center of your chest. 

Continue moving upwards along the centerline, move further up to your throat. Visualize and feel into the center of your throat a warm, bright, brilliant light.

Continuing along the centerline, move further up to the center of your eyebrows. In the space between your eyebrows feel and visualize once more a bright, brilliant, warm light shining brightly there at the center of your eyebrows. 

And moving up to the crown of your head, feeling another bright brilliant light, in line with all of the others, there shining at the crown of your head. 

Feel and visualize the string of lights, the warmth from those lights, the colors of those lights, from the base of your spine all the way to the crown of your head like a constellation inside of you. 

As you inhale, trace the line of lights from the base of your spine all the way up to the crown of your head, then tracing the constellation all the way down to the base of the spine as you exhale. 

Repeat this with your breath and your attention. Breathing in from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of your head, pausing briefly there, then exhaling to trace the length of your spine from the crown of your head back down to the base of your spine. 

After a few rounds, release the visualization and come back to your natural, easy breath. Come back to the feeling of your body and all of its parts. Come back to your body in its position in the room in which you are in. 

Take a moment to notice how you feel and if you feel any different than you did before the start of this practice. 

And when you are ready, open your eyes and take with you this feeling into the rest of your day. 

Thank you so much for meditating with me. Until next time. 


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