Season 2 EP 2: Finding Your Voice with Jason Flack

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Perfectionist in Recovery

On today’s episode of the Perfectionist in Recovery Podcast, I am joined by Johnson City, Tennessee based artist and artist advocate, Jason Flack. You can follow Jason on instagram at 

In this episode we talked about the role art plays in helping people find their voice and connect with their identity. Here are some of the highlights from our discussion! 

“I’ve always been a creator, but started taking it seriously after the death of my twin sister and needing an outlet.”

-Jason Flack

Jason shared about how his twin sister’s unexpected passing influenced him early in his life and drove him to painting as a way of processing experiences and healing.

“I had an identity crisis through life, and death.”
-Jason Flack 

Jason speaks about how so much of his identity was wrapped up in his twin sister. “I was so shy, she spoke for me. In school, my sister’s favorite color was purple. Guess what my favorite color was - it was purple.” But after her passing, art has become a vehicle for him to express himself. 

“The way I can speak louder is through something bright on my canvas.”

-Jason Flack

“Now, time is incredibly important. Even when I am wasting time, I am thinking about art. Now it is my identity without my sister. Art is my twin.”
-Jason Flack  

After Jessica’s, Jason’s twin sister, unexpected passing, Jason shares how he perceives time and the role art has since come to play in his life. 

“People look at me like I am not from here because Appalachia has gotten away from this creative aspect, but every one of us has someone in our bloodline way back, or even recently, who made their own shoes, clothes, and art as well.”

-Jason Flack

Jason speaks to his experience as being a child of both black and white parents growing up and being an artist in Appalachia. 

“It’s always ‘we’ before ‘me’.”

-Jason Flack

Jason speaks about his work as an advocate for artists in Appalachia and his intention to collaborate with and bring artists together to reach out to the community and bring attention to Appalachian art and artists.


Ready to take the first step in your creative recovery?

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