'Tis the Season: Coming November 3rd


‘Tis the Season

A Collection of small abstract paintings telling the story of lives lived across many seasons


This is a collection of small abstract works telling the story of many lives lived across many seasons. 


I was having a conversation with friends recently about favorite holidays. I shared that my favorite holidays were New Years and Birthdays because both are signify markers in time


I love celebrating birthdays (no matter whose birthday) and New Years because they both acknowledge the passage of time. New Years and Birthdays both feel like occasions where we are in transition: fully conscious of all that has passed, hopefully looking toward the future, and in a moment between those two places we are fully aware of the preciousness of the present. 


I always use my birthday and New Years as opportunities to reflect - reflecting on how I have grown, reflecting on parts of myself that need more loving attention, and acknowledging the life that has been lived up until this point fully aware that it may be wildly different in the course of a year. 


“'Tis the Season” is a celebration of all the lives that have been lived in a lifetime and a reminder to savor the fleeting present as the changing future fast approaches. 

If you want to stay up to date on the progress of this collection and be part of the private viewing when it happens, you can join the Collectors Club here!