'Tis the Season: 2023 Holiday Collection


‘Tis the Season

A Collection of small abstract paintings telling the story of lives lived across many seasons


This November I am sharing a collection of small-scale abstract paintings - something I don't do very often!


Y'all know my love for big paintings, I've shared before how I love the physicality that comes with painting something bigger than me, so it isn't often that I paint on a surface so small.

But art is nothing if not a mirror reflecting back to us ourselves, and in this current season of life our family is going through a lot of changes. 


2023 started out with our daughter getting a pretty severe medical diagnosis that we've been monitoring all year (don't worry, she's doing great and has responded to treatment beautifully), we're in the middle of renovating our basement, and now our family is expanding! We are welcoming our second daughter to the Parks Pack in March of 2024. 


All of this, of course, in addition to our regular obligations my husband and I share with jobs, community organizing, parenting, and so on. 


With so many things taking up space in my life, the amount of space my art has been able to occupy has been much smaller. These paintings are a reflection of the stolen moments - the desperate need to capture the fleeting feelings found in the quiet minutes just before the next wave of change washes in. 


‘Tis the Season for change, the transition from one season to the next, a time of preparation. I see it in the way the light shining through the trees on the dirt trail grows softer and the coolness of night comes earlier and earlier, ushering me indoors like a momma ringing the dinner bell to let the family know it’s time for supper. 

’Tis the Season to find the warmth at the heart of the home and settle into pockets of stillness where they can be found. 

If you want to stay up to date on the progress of this collection and be part of the private viewing when it happens, you can join the Collectors Club here!