HerStory: She


HerStory: A Survivor’s Journey
A collection of large abstract paintings


“HerStory” is a living history, telling the story of my healing journey and detailing the discoveries I am making about myself as a human, mother, woman, and artist along the way. 

As soon as I became a mother, a part of myself that had been previously dormant was awakened. The only word I had to describe her in those early days was primal. She was terrifying. Not to me, or to my daughter, but to anyone that seemed to stand too close, to linger too long, or who presented any potential threat to the tender little life that had been created. 

As time goes on and my daughter gets older and her world gets bigger, She and I become more familiar. 

She is ancient - older than me, older than my mother, older than hers, older than the Earth,
She is the sharp set of eyes watching in the darkness,
She is always listening, always waiting, but never hesitating,
She is the deep, rumbling growl that comes as a warning,
She is violence and rage,She is tenderness,
She is sweetness,
She is love that is bigger than can be contained in a single body,
She is the mother.

You can view “She” from my “HerStory: A Survivor’s Journey” Collection in my shop here.