Rebel Spirit Ornaments


Rebel Spirit Ornaments

Inspired by the people living authentically

I am so excited to offer a new set of inspired holiday ornaments in my shop this year. 

This is only the second year of creating ornaments, but it has easily become my new favorite holiday tradition, a fun way for me to get into the holiday spirit.

Time is such a funny thing after living through (still living through?) a pandemic. In preparing to release my new ornaments into the world, I caught myself thinking, “November, already?! Where has the time gone?” 2022 has both flown by in the blink of an eye while also feeling like it has been stretched out over a period of 3 years. 

Events that happened this past spring, like back in April when I participated in the ArtFields competition in Lake City, South Carolina, feel years away from where I am today. What was a moment of great significance at the time, now just a date marked off in my calendar. 

While I do think that is the nature of time and aging, I also think that speaks to the growth I have experienced as an artist over the course of this year. 

This year I hit multiple, significant milestones in my art career that, on the surface, indicate the progress I have made as an artist, but those milestones are only a reflection of the internal growth I have experienced. The true measure of growth is in the confidence I have found in expressing myself authentically through my art. 

Each year I hope to push the boundaries in the expression of my feelings of freedom, boldness, and femininity in my work and to use color, gesture, and mark-making to communicate those feelings as truly and authentically as they come through me - no matter how messy and wild they may appear to others. This year, with the release of my newest collection, “HerStory: a Survivor’s Journey”, I feel like I am the closest I have ever come to authentically communicating those themes and finding my voice as an artist.

Not coincidentally, the closer I come to aligning with my artistic voice, the more secure I become in my relationship to my work and its place in the world. 

The confidence and security that comes from living authentically and without shame is exactly what the “Rebel Spirit” Ornament Collection is inspired by. This collection of ornaments is dedicated to the rebels out there bravely choosing to not hide who they are by allowing their vulnerability to be witnessed by others. Each ornament is hand-painted and completely unique (just like you), so no two are exactly alike. I painted them intending for them to be incorporated into long-held family traditions and, like the good traditions that endure, be passed down as precious heirlooms for generations to come.

Collectors Club Members will be getting exclusive access to the ornaments on Friday, November 18th on my website. You can join the Collectors Club here to get early access. Otherwise, they will become publicly available on Saturday, November 19th!