Season 2 EP 11: Creating Slowly with Brian Serway

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Perfectionist in Recovery

Rest is a Creative Practice

Hello and Welcome back to the Perfectionist in Recovery Podcast!

My name is Marcy Parks and I am a Perfectionist in Recovery and today I am sharing highlights from an amazing conversation that I had with a dear friend of mine and talented creative, Brian Serway, (you can check out his work here) but first - I want to take a second to say thank you! 

Thank you so much for being here and joining me for this episode today. Thank you for supporting my work and for supporting the work I do for this podcast! I got some new feedback on the podcast this week and I am so grateful always for those of you that send over your thoughts about the podcast. In case you didn’t know, your feedback makes this podcast even better for you to listen to, so, please, send me all of the feedback! If you have some thoughts that you want to share about the podcast, send me a message on instagram at @MarcyParksArt or go to my website at and submit your feedback through the feedback form at the bottom of the page. I am always looking to improve this podcast to meet your creative needs, so let me know what you think!

That being said, I want to hear from you! Do you have questions about things you have heard on the podcast? Do you want to hear a discussion about a specific topic? Let me know! Again, you can send me a message on instagram at @MarcyParksArt or you can go to my website at and submit your questions through the feedback form there at the bottom of the page. Again, go to and send me your thoughts! Let me know what you want to hear. 

Now let’s get into it!

Transcripts Coming Soon


Ready to take the first step in your creative recovery?

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My dream is to help more people connect with their creative identities and embrace themselves as a whole, messy human, and as it turns out, leaving a review on iTunes helps me to do just that!

So thank you in advance for leaving your review and helping me to connect more people with their inner artists!