Lion Heart Ornaments


Lion Heart

2022 Ornament Collection

Inspired by the individuals who choose not to hide from their emotions. 

Remember when I said I couldn't choose between my color palettes for my ornaments this year?

Say hello to the Lion Heart ornaments! The fourth collection (so far) of 2022 ornaments! 

I have a deep love for the color pairing of hot pink and burnt orange. This bold color combination signals to me confidence and courage, but with a playfulness and sweetness - which are exactly the qualities of a Lion Hearted person!

Lion Hearts are individuals who manage to keep a soft heart in a hard world - the individuals who brave the depths that many are too scared to explore (any Brene Brown fans out there? She is definitely a Lion Heart!) . The Lion Heart ornament collection is dedicated to the people who aren’t scared to have the hard conversations, and manage to maintain empathy, compassion, and kindness throughout.

I grew up in a household that taught the belief that emotions were a sign of weakness and when it came to having hard discussions, they were best handled by not having them at all. For someone like myself, with a soft heart, big emotions, and who struggles with perfectionism, this was really challenging because anytime I couldn’t manage to suppress my feelings, I felt like a failure. 

Shame around my emotions was a struggle for a long time, but I have since come to recognize the strength that is being a deep-feeler and the courage it takes to sit with the discomfort of hard feelings. 

The Lion Heart ornament collection is dedicated to the people who aren’t scared to have the hard conversations, and manage to maintain empathy, compassion, and kindness throughout. The Collection is inspired by the individuals who can hold in both hands the cruelty of the world along with the beauty and wonderment. 

Collectors Club Members will be getting exclusive access to the ornaments on Friday, November 18th on my website. You can join the Collectors Club here to get early access. Otherwise, they will become publicly available on Saturday, November 19th!