HerStory: Freedom is a Practice


HerStory: A Survivor’s Journey
A collection of large abstract paintings

”Freedom is a Practice” Series

“HerStory” is a living history, telling the story of my healing journey and detailing the discoveries I am making about myself as a human, mother, woman, artist, and survivor along the way.

There came a point where I realized healing is as much about tending to my joy and play as it is about tending to my sadness and pain. I decided to commit myself to a daily practice of play - my daily ritual of joy - where I would light candles, journal, and paint in my art journal with my inner critic on mute. It was from this practice that the “HerStory: A Survivor’s Journey” Collection, a living history telling the story of my healing journey and detailing the discoveries I am making about myself as a human, mother, woman, and artist along the way, was born. 

What I learned from this practice, though, is that there is a close relationship between joy and freedom and I think for many people, myself included, the art of freedom is something that gets lost as we age and responsibilities take over. 

I was surprised to find that my practice of joy had also become a practice in freedom, and what I found in that practice of freedom was the courage to take risks, explore more, and be bold.

You can view the “Freedom is a Practice” series from my “HerStory: A Survivor’s Journey” Collection

in my shop here.