Courage Comes From the Garden


What Has Been Brought From the Garden?

"What Has Been Brought From the Garden" is my latest collection of artwork. This collection of paintings is inspired by my painting and poem, "My Rage is Like a Flower Garden", that I wrote in the heat of the locked-down summer of 2020.

In reflecting on my 2020 painting and poem, I wondered, "if my rage is like a flower garden, what have I harvested from it?"

This body of work is a reflection on the ways in which I have matured into my rage since creating “My Rage is Like a Flower Garden” and a way for me to integrate all of the lessons I have learned since then.

For so many years, I believed that my anger made me hard to love, so I hid her in the darkest corners of my psyche with hopes that no one would ever see her or hear from her, but then I started painting.

My abstract work became my outlet for expressing my anger, the setting where I could sit with her, listen to her, and learn to be in relationship with her.

And what I have come to understand from that relationship is that anger most often points us to the more tender parts of ourselves that still need the light of our attention, and to face those parts requires courage.

So when I ask the question, “If my rage is like a flower garden, what have I harvested from it?" the answer to that question is the courage to face and embrace the parts of myself that need the most love.

If you want to stay up to date on the progress of this collection and be part of the private viewing when it happens, you can join the Collectors Club here!