My Top Three Favorite Meditation Apps


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Have you listened to the Perfectionist in Recovery Podcast lately? If not, you need to check it out! On the podcast, You will hear from me, as well as other artists and makers, all about our creative practices and how we manage perfectionism in order to keep creating. 

Every week on the podcast, I share conversations I have had recently with a fellow maker and creative about their creative practice, what’s on my mind about my own creative practice with actionable items you can take to develop or maintain your own creative practice, and meditations to help get you reconnected to your body and get you inspired. 

I have shared on the Perfectionist in Recovery Podcast before how beneficial a meditation practice can be to maintaining a creative practice and keeping us connected to our own internal voice. I like to share meditations regularly on the podcast for anyone who would like to start a meditation practice, but isn’t really sure where to begin, or for anyone who needs a little guidance. The reason that I think meditation is so beneficial for creatives specifically is because as a creative person, we spend a lot of time in our heads and that can get a little overwhelming sometimes, especially if your creative energy starts to spiral into anxiety. Meditation, however, is a way to help us get back into our bodies, and when we are grounded and connected to our bodies we can actually take action to channel all of those ideas as they swell up in our brains. Not to mention, there are LOADS of health benefits to meditation, but specifically for creatives, it can be a useful tool for keeping us grounded so we can actually create. 

And if you are not into the meditations, well, just pretend like they don’t happen! Lol

But if you are enjoying dipping your toes into meditation and would like to explore more, I wanted to take a second just to share a couple of meditation apps that I love to use! *And just to clarify, this is not a sponsored post, or anything like that, these are apps I use personally and genuinely love.

1. Insight Timer app
First, I love the Insight Timer app. There are loads of free meditations on this app and that’s not even a fraction of what they offer. They have tons of different types and styles of guided meditations, sometimes even live events so you can practice with others in real time, and now also offer yoga classes! There is so much that this app has to offer, so I definitely recommend downloading it and exploring it if you are interested in a consistent meditation practice. 

2. Calm app
Second, I also love the Calm app. Now this one doesn’t have as many free features as the Insight Timer app, but it does offer several free “7 Days” meditation courses which are really nice introductions into developing your own meditation practice. 

3. Stop, Breathe, and Think Kids app
Third, and finally, I love, love, LOVE the Stop, Breathe, and Think Kids app. This app is geared more toward kids, obviously, but it is super fun for parents to practice along with their kids. This is a great app for introducing your little ones to meditation and even starting a practice with them. They have cute little animated characters guiding the meditation and there is usually a story that accompanies the practice. Searsha’s favorites are all of the bulldog meditations, probably because we used to have a bulldog named Spud. But she loves doing her bedtime meditations with bulldog. 

If you are looking to start a regular meditation practice, take a look at these apps and give them a try, then let me know what you think! 


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