Ep 10: Alex Capps of Clydescope Creations

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Perfectionist in Recovery

Alex Capps of Clydescope Creations

This transcript from my conversation with Alex will look a little bit differently than the usual transcripts because there were points in time where the audio cut out (it was after the call that I realized we were using zoom to record during peak schooling hours haha!), so I am sharing here the key takeaways from the discussion!

“I definitely I get my artistic side from my dad.”

  • Alex is the mastermind behind Clydescope Creations, her creative business where she sells gorgeously intricate wire wrapped jewelry and other goods. The spelling of the business name is an homage to her father, Clyde, who passed away when she was in high school. Alex’s father was who introduced her to jewelry making, along with the other creative hobbies she enjoys doing today. “I didn’t want his memory to be forgotten…I'm keeping his memory alive.”

“I was always so scared and I was constantly comparing myself to every single person around me like they are so good, like I can never be that good… but everybody is different. You don't want yours to be the same as everybody else's.”


  • Alex shared a little about her struggle with comparing her artwork to that of her classmates when she was in high school, and the pressure to measure up to perceived standards of “perfection”. She later goes on to say that it wasn’t “until after high school that I realized art is art, like no matter what it is. Everybody is different. You don't want yours to be the same as everybody else's.”

“If you change your mindset and it really is incredible how much further you can take your skills.”

  • Alex shares how a perspective shift finally helped her to get out of a period of harsh self-criticism and push forward with her creative pursuits and creative business. Finally affirming to herself “I got this.” (If you have downloaded my Free Perfectionist in Recovery: Self Discovery Journal Guide, then you know how I feel about affirmations!)

“There is somebody out there waiting for the work you are too scared to share.”

  • Alex talks about how her self-criticism caused her to judge some of the wire wrapped pieces she has made harshly, but she challenges herself to put those pieces out for the world to see anyway because, oftentimes, there is somebody who ends up loving them. We then discussed the power of art in creating connection - whether it is connection with yourself or someone who is viewing your work - art and creative practices help us find that connection.

    “The very nature of creativity is that it's always growing, it's always changing, it's always evolving. And as you grow as a person, your creativity and your creative expression is going to continue to grow and evolve as a reflection of that.”
    - Marcy

  • Alex and I discussed the way creativity and individual growth go hand-in-hand. Growth in our creative practice is reflected in our individual growth, and our individual growth is reflected in our creative growth. Alex shared that she is in a growth period of her creative cycle and ready to take her wrapping to another level.

    “Just get started and the rest is easier from there.”

  • Alex shared how honoring her creative rhythm for her means taking rest days when she is tired, but she also shares the routines, or rituals, that help her to “just get started” when her motivation to do so is lacking, like making herself some coffee and setting up her workspace so she can get comfortable with mood music. *She also gushes about her love for lists! (Same, Alex. Same.)

Check out Alex on Instagram at @Clydescopecreations and shop her Etsy here!


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