5 Steps to Creating Joy


5 Steps to Creating Joy

At the beginning of this year, I committed myself to creating daily rituals around joy. Of course, life gets in the way and I don’t always make space for this ritual every day, but I make time for it every week at the minimum. After all, what is the point of having a practice if you can’t sustain it? 

I made this commitment because, well, my relationship with joy is complicated. As someone who lives with C-PTSD, much of the work I am doing around healing involves learning to regulate my nervous system, and joy can feel very disruptive to my nervous system. In essence, joy can feel like a threat and trigger my trauma response. I decided to commit to this practice as a way of acclimating my body to the experience of joy, retraining my body and mind to feel safe in that experience, and in turn, safe in the expression of joy.

What I am learning from this practice, though, is that there is a close relationship between joy and freedom and I think for many people the art of freedom is something that gets lost as we age and responsibilities take over. 

I know it may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes we have to schedule time for freedom. 

When was the last time you scheduled time for play? When was the last time you scheduled unstructured time to explore and be creative? 

I am going to share the 5 steps I take for finding freedom and creating joy in hopes that this inspires you to do the same! 

Here are the steps I follow:
*disclaimer: this is not an affiliate post. I do not receive any money or paid benefits by sharing the following links.

1. Make a hot matcha latte with oat milk and coconut sugar with my super fancy (and also affordable) milk frother. 

  • Apply it at home: What gives you comfort? Is it your favorite pajama pants? A cozy robe? An organized work station? Start with what gives you comfort and makes you feel at ease.

*This step is very important. I do not ever skip this step! If you want to delight in making your own fancy hot beverages at home, check out the frother here. 

2. Set the mood with music.

  • Apply it at home: Check in with yourself and how you are feeling, then select your music accordingly. Choose a radio station on your streaming platform that captures the vibe you’re going for, but take caution not to go down the rabbit hole of curating the perfect playlist.

*My go-to playlist moody and melodic with the majority of the songs (and by majority, I mean all of them) coming from Florence and the Machine and Amythyst Kiah. Give it a listen here!

3. Light a candle.

  • Apply it at home: Mark the moment you begin. Ring a bell, take some cleansing breaths, put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” - whatever you choose, signal to your body and mind that you are starting now and any interruptions or other distractions will have to wait until you are done.

*My favorite place for dreamy candles is Bohicket Apothecary. Check them out here! 


  • Apply it at home: Write whatever is on your mind at that moment and for however long it takes for you to stop worrying about what you are writing and, instead, get to the heart of the matter (usually about 3 pages for me, or 10-15 minutes). If this is your first time journaling, set yourself a timer for 5-10 minutes; you can always adjust if needed!

This practice is something Julia Cameron calls “Morning Pages” in her book “The Artist’s Way” which I cannot recommend enough!


  • Apply it at home: Joy and freedom go hand-in-hand and those two things can be found through PLAY! Consider this your permission to play. This step is all about freedom and play. Don’t have paint supplies? No worries! Do something else that helps you find a similar sense of freedom: Dance around like a wild person, go for a walk outside, do yoga, connect with the limitless expanse of your own consciousness with meditation; whatever you choose, make sure it is what you want to do, not what you think you should do.

*Painting over top of the words you wrote releases you from the fear that someone will read what you wrote in the future! This step is all about freedom and play. Don’t think about it, don’t judge it, JUST DO IT! If it gives you too much anxiety, BURN IT WHEN YOU ARE DONE! Need a journal with sturdy pages that can hold all of your feelings in the form of paint? Check out my favorite I have found so far!

These are the steps I am deliberate about scheduling into my week (you can check out some of my process videos on instagram here) to be in the practice of joy. For me, this ritual is as much about inviting more joy into my life as it is about retraining my body and nervous system to feel at ease in play again. I hope this helps you to do the same! 

If you are interested in exploring this process further, keep an eye out for upcoming Paint Your Feelings Workshops! I’ll be updating my website here with in-person classes as well as virtual options in the future!